Include your PS* license ID or "TRIAL" if you're still evaluating. You find this ID in our Customer Portal. Don't confuse this with the alphanumeric license key.
e.g. 7.2.1
Because of the variety of our product offering we need to know exactly which product you are using in order to assist you.
Screen recordings, screenshots and logs always helps us a lot in identifying issues faster. If you need to send us files larger than 20MB please upload them to and send us the generated URL.
If the issue you're submitting has a critical business impact, please describe how it affects your application's functionality, user experience, or release timeline in this field. E.g. Complete System Outage, Data Loss or Corruption, Security Breaches, Broken Function Leading to Service Interruptions
If not please first try solving your issue with our most current release.
Someone else might have encountered the same issue.
Correctly reported guide will lead to quicker resolution.